Potassium Humate is a naturally occurring organic compound derived from humic acid, which is a component of humus found in soil. It is widely used in agriculture and horticulture as a soil conditioner, plant growth stimulant, and nutrient enhancer. Potassium humate is typically available in various formulations, including powder, granules, liquid, or soluble crystals. Potassium Humate is rich in humic substances, which are complex organic molecules that play a crucial role in improving soil fertility and plant health. It contains a high concentration of potassium (K), an essential macro-nutrient required for plant growth and development.
FAQs of Potassium Humate:
Q: What is Potassium Humate?
A: Potassium Humate is a chemical compound with the chemical name Potassium Humate. It is a type of organic fertilizer usually used in agriculture.
Q: What is the purity level of Potassium Humate?
A: Potassium Humate has a purity level of 98%, making it a highly concentrated and effective fertilizer for plants.
Q: In what form is Potassium Humate available?
A: Potassium Humate is available in a granular form, making it easy to apply and mix with soil for optimum results.
Q: What is the recommended application for Potassium Humate?
A: Potassium Humate is primarily used in agriculture as a fertilizer. It is recommended to be applied to the soil during planting or as a top dressing for already established plants.
Q: How should Potassium Humate be stored?
A: Potassium Humate should be stored in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. This will help maintain the quality and effectiveness of the fertilizer.